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Configuration library for Node.js written in TypeScript. Can load and merge configuration for multiple sources into one object for easy access. Inspired by Go's Konfig.

Quick look

# configs/default.yaml
name: "my-app"
// configs/development.json
  "database": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 5432,
    "user": "development",
    "password": "development"
import * as Konfig from "@willsoto/node-konfig-core";
import { VaultLoader } from "@willsoto/node-konfig-vault";
import path from "node:path";
import process from "node:process";

const configDir = path.join(process.cwd(), "configs");

// Create the store, this is the object you will use to access your config
export const store = new Konfig.Store();

// Always load some defaults.
// These values will be merged with subsequent loaders. On conflicts, last one wins.
  new Konfig.FileLoader({
    files: [
        path: path.join(configDir, "default.yaml"),
        // This will tell the `FileLoader` how it should interpret the files it loads
        parser: new Konfig.YAMLParser(),

// Use a local json file in development
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") {
  const loader = new Konfig.FileLoader({
    files: [
        path: path.join(configDir, "development.json"),
        parser: new Konfig.JSONParser(),

  // Make sure the loader is registered on the store in order for it to be processed
} else {
  // Use Vault in production or any other non-development environment.
    new VaultLoader({
      secrets: [
          key: "secret/data/database",

// `init` must be called in order to actually resolve and process all the registered loaders
// This only needs to be called once at some point during application startup
await store.init();

store.get("name"); // "my-app"
store.get("database"); // Will return the appropriate database configuration based on `NODE_ENV`